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Staff Picks – Due or Die

DUE OR DIE: A Library Lover’s Mystery by Jenn McKinlay

This book is indeed a treat for library lovers, but it goes way beyond the fun of reading about the imaginative children’s programs or how to find the answer to a puzzling reference question.

The story is set in Connecticut during the winter, and the rather harsh storm that occurs plays an important part in the safety of our heroine as well as allowing a backdrop to the crime.

Lindsey Norris is fairly new to the community as the library director. When the Friends of the Library group has to determine a new president, Lindsey finds herself accused of playing favorites. The curmudgeon who was voted out chooses to take himself away from the scene, but his crazy female admirer causes all sorts of trouble. Meanwhile, the husband of the new president is murdered.

Uninvited is a puppy that was jammed into the book drop box during the cold spell. Lindsey finds herself the rescuer of the puppy, who promises undying love and devotion, but . . . Lindsey says no, she doesn’t want a dog. Well, you can figure this one out.

Lindsey also has two male human admirers, who add spice to this lively tale.

Every page counts in this book about library life, female friends, murder, romance, and puppy love. Check it out in the adult fiction collection.

Recommended by: Paula at Main

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