Monthly Archives: August 2015

Staff Picks: Go Set a Watchman

Go Set a Watchman by Harper Lee

[Regarding reviews stating Atticus is a racist]… In my view, Atticus wasn’t a racist; he was a realist and still underlying the actions of his life was his utmost duty to follow the law, giving justice to everyone. Harper Lee had a message—at the time of the story, the 1950s, blacks weren’t ready for the responsibilities of voting, etc., because they had been downtrodden so long; but the NAACP, coming from the north where blacks had more opportunity and equality, didn’t see how behind the South was in terms of racial equality, hence the unrest in the South. Despite this valuable and valid message, Harper Lee didn’t have to use Atticus as the vehicle for the message. In fact, by doing so, I believe she sullied the reputation and honor that Atticus had attained in the original book and I think this new book should never have been written.

(Not) recommended by former RCPL employee, Paula Dill

What is your opinion? Check out the availability of this book in our online catalog here and decide for yourself.